Predator: Hunter's Match Trailer

by Cory Bauer
    |     Movies
The official movie trailer for our short/fan film "Predator: Hunter's Match" is now available at our website, For those of you who are unfamiliar with Predator: Hunter's Match, it is a Predator fan/short film that we started over a year ago, but was sadly scrapped due to time constraints, production issues, and a dying interest on our part. In early November I decided to pick the project back up again and see what could be made of it; Now, the film is nearly complete, and will be ready about the time you can buy Todd McFarlane's Movie Maniacs 6 in stores. When that time comes, Predator: Hunter's Match will be available exclusively on DVD, which of course will be packed with all kinds of extra goodies to accompany the film. "Predator: Hunter's Match brings Predator fan film to a whole new level, with stunning special effects, high-quality video and sound, and a team of soldiers whose vulgar language would make Jesse Ventura blush. If you liked Dark Jungle, you'll love Hunter's Match." -Cory Bauer

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