As you may have noticed, AbsoluteAvP.Com, has a new look !!!
A few extra things will appear on the pages over the next few days to complete the updating process, but most features are now up.
The Private Messaging has a very different look and new function to make things much easier for all.
The PM section now includes:-
- Buddy List
- Add/Remove Memebers from a quick list to make sending PMs easier.
- Search and browse for people through filtered lists.
- Checks to make sure you PM look good.
The Gallery Section has under gone MAJOR ro-working. Carrently, the upload fasility is an available to make the update process quicker.
But don't worry it will be back soon.
The New gallery features:
- New look for browsing
- Thumbs to me browsing easier.
- Large images accessible seperatly.
Hope you enjoy the new site design, if you have any comments on it, please tell me!
All copyrights and trademarks belong to their respective owners. This site is for the promotion of selected material, no infringements are intended. All reasonable efforts have been taken to credit the respective owners and/or authors.