AvP1: Marine MP strategies

by the_demigod
    |     AbsoluteAvP
AvP by Rebellion has never really gone away--it lurks in the muddy waters of the community and people STILL dream of its inherent horrors and different gameplay. Static_J took upon himself to refresh our memory about the survival skills needed for Marine MP gameplay: As many of you know, playing AvP online is a totally different experience than playing single player. On the AAP message board there was a thread started to give tips to some of the other members. I thought id share some of the strategies that i use with you guys due to the shortage of good Marine players in AvP:Gold Edition. It's to help you guys that play marine to maybe learn how to play a bit better. Enjoy the article here and discuss it in the forums. NOTE--we are on the lookout for an AvP specialist--so if you like and KNOW the game, mail me for a chat. Same with a Primal Hunt Specialist :-))

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