The Complete Record of Alien Encounters - Part 1

by SM
    |     AbsoluteAvP
This is something I've been working on for around 6 months, and it's pretty well finished (pictures will accompany it when some access issues have been sorted out). This piece describes each and every Alien encounter from the films, and offers theories and extrapolations (some new; some old) based on what we see and hear in the films - and ONLY what we see and hear in the films. Part 1 describes some ten encounters that various members of the Nostromo crew had with the Alien in it's many forms. Yet it took some time to pick up the Alien, which is subsequently lost, then gained again shortly before Dallas' demise. Does the Alien exert a natural electrical (or some other sort of) field that can play havoc with instruments? Did it pass through shafts that had some of shielding, blocking the tracker from picking it up? Or did Ash not build them properly -either by accident or design? This is just a schnippet. The whole thing encompassing all four films runs to 63 single spaced pages without pictures. Parts 2, 3 and 4 will be published in the coming weeks, as will approximately 160 reference pictures. The whole thing is available here, and if you have anything to comment about it, check the forums.

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