James Cameron Interview

by Annonymous
    |     Movies
For those of you in the UK, this month Empire film magazine (The one with the Matrix front cover) has a very nice interview with James Cameron. He talks about Terminator 3 and why he didn't direct it, but the most interesting is about the Alien series. He said he was constantly arguing with Sigorny Weaver in Aliens because she never wanted to touch a gun in the film (got her wish in Alien 3 didn't she). He also talks about the possibility of Alien 5, noting that he does not see Sigorny as a vital part if they want to reguvinate the franchise. So, if you're in the UK, go out and at least read the article in the shop if you don't buy the whole thing (it is a number of pages long though, and worth a couple of quid)

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