Gallery Changes!

by the_demigod
    |     AbsoluteAvP
Okay, as promised, we've reworked the AbsoluteAvP Gallery structure. The changes are simple: - Game Pics is now AvP2 Pics Category, since it WAS filled with AvP2 pics. - we've added a NEW AvP2 PH Pics Category intended exclusively for Primal Hunt pics. If you played it, you'll have plenty of screenies to submit. - we've added a NEW AvP by Monolith Pics Category intended for those of you who enjoy or enjoyed the first game and would want to share your AvP passion. Movie Pics stay unchanged. Movie Props stay unchanged. A:CM Pics stay unchanged, seeing that the game is as good as dead. :( AvP Universe Pics stay unchanged--it still holds all the amazing Fan Art you submitted. :) You can submit your game images at any time, in fact, we're WAITING FOR THEM!! We're not sot sure what to do with Free4All--it might get moved to AbsoluteGamerz Network Home but at some later date. It should fit better THERE.

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