Everything about the fabled Aliens vs. Predator film.
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The information and news in this section is based on rumors and speculation aquired from various sources such as the Internet, magazines, interviews, and television specials. Thoughts relate to the DESIRES for the AvP movie
January 30, 2002
Coming Attractions had this to report:
Until we could find proof of what our latest scooper is telling us, we were slapping this on the rumor pile for now.
According to the scooper in question, they say a new draft of Alien vs. Predator has been commissioned by Fox. " Sadly, from what I hear, the script - the latest draft was done by James DeMonaco & Kevin Fox (THE NEGOTIATOR) - is not good, so expect new writers to be brought on board in the near future. However, if ALIEN 5 becomes a reality, it will be pushed back even further." [This comes to us from a 'G.K.']
Guess what? We didn't get the proof we were looking for, but we got the next best thing: secondary confirmation of the DeMonaco and Fox draft of Aliens vs. Predator.
The 4Filmmakers website, a database which lists upcoming Hollywood projects, does indeed list James DeMonaco and Kevin Fox as the two most recent writers who've worked on Aliens vs. Predator. What's more, 4Filmmakers also provides a synopsis for what appears to be the new storyline!
"A man becomes a Predator after discovering a crashed Predator ship. His team of researchers use the Alien eggs to create an environment of conflict to lure the Predators back to study their technology and prolong his life."
{Originally appeared on 4Filmmakers.}
January 9, 2002
Ain't It Cool News had a reported submitted to them from a site fan who attended the Fangoria Weekend of Horror, apparently Paul Anderson, director of the upcoming Resident Evil, had some comments about Aliens vs. Predator as paraphrased in the report:
"If they ever greenlight an Aliens vs. Predator movie he is going to be knocking down Hollywoods door to get to do it."
November 20, 2001
Harry at Ain't It Cool News has posted an article on some information pertaining to Aliens vs. Predator that he uncovered while looking into David Twohy's upcoming film projects:
Also there have been rumors that David Twohy has become attached to direct and write Alien vs. Predator. We've seen these pop up in a few places. It seems that my sources at Fox have told me that these rumors might very well be true. It seems that Fox and Davis Entertainment have approached David Twohy to completely rework the project for them. There has yet to be a deal worked out, but apparently Twohy is working up his take and the folks at Fox are anxious to hear that.
November 9, 2001
Hollywood Stock Exchange posted an information blurb for their movie stock - Aliens vs. Predator:
Alien vs. Predator is based on the comic book of the same name by Dark Horse Comics. In the horror comic series, Aliens fight the Predator. The Aliens' enemy was formerly man, before discovering a Predator ship that crashed. The Predator is in charge of a group of researchers who use alien eggs to initiate conflict among the species.
Rumors have been circulating that James Cameron is interested in this project which has long circulated in development.
October 25, 2001
Here's an article at 13th Street regarding an Aliens vs. Predator film:
Okay, so here's another story I've been tracking for quite some time. Two weeks back, producer John Davis, who was one of the producers on the first two Predator movies (and who has most recently produced Dr. Dolittle 2 and Heartbreakers, but also the forthcoming Behind Enemy Lines) mentioned to a friend of mine while talking about the original Predator film that indeed Aliens Vs. Predator was moving ahead at 20th Century Fox and yes, he was involved. Aliens Vs. Predator??? Amazing. I still remember reading the great Dark Horse comic book when it first hit. It's a great concept. But years ago when it was allegedly moving forward the first time, I read that it was the Predator people who pulled out as they wanted to make a Predator 3. When I mentioned this story to Garth over at Dark Horizons, he added that he'd always heard Sigourney Weaver had no interest in a project like that, something I'd read as well. Yes, an Aliens Vs. Predator script by Peter Briggs was bought almost ten years ago, but this new film can't possibly be that same project, could it? A new script is almost a given. The videogames are as popular as ever (I just have to look at 13thStreet's traffic numbers for that Aliens Vs. Predator 2 videogame story we broke not too long ago to know that) and it's been enough time for people to wash the idea of Predator 2 out of our collective mouths, so why not? But I wasn't going to run a break on it until I could get some kind of confirmation. You know that Joel Silver interview I've got coming up tomorrow? Yeah, as another producer on both original films, I figured I might as well ask him about it. Here's what he said when I asked if Silver Pictures was going to be involved with it and mentioned what I'd heard Davis had said. Joel: No, it's not. I wish. Fox is doing it without us. I don't know, maybe he's working on it. I think they're talking about doing something. There is some deal in place. I'm with Warner Brothers and it's really hard for me to leave Warner Brothers, but I think they're planning something. So, let the new rumors go crazy. It sounds as if there's some new movement, but also it's stuck in some kind of development hell like it has been for years.
October 26, 2001
Harry at Ain't It Cool News expands on the rumor as first reported by 13th Street on October 25th:
ALIENS VS PREDATOR... for real this time?
Hey folks, Harry here... Got the following from de5perado and I have to say, I'm intrigued as hell. This has been one of those fanboy salivation projects for years.... feels like decades now. Peter Briggs wrote a fun script, but Hollywood can't remember two months ago, much less however many years it has been since he first wrote that. The other problem with Briggs' script in Hollywood's eyes is that it is everywhere online for Download... Now while this really doesn't mean anything to you and me, evidently to Hollywood it means quite a bit. In fact it is a gigantic problem for them. Because since we internet geeks know what will happen we no longer have any interest in it...mmmhmmm, riiiiiight. This is why we have no interest in LORD OF THE RINGS, why GONE WITH THE WIND sucked and so on. But ok, Smilin' Jack has heard it might be starting up again. That the project has heat again. I don't believe this is from a new script, as we would've heard about it. We haven't. If it does have heat, then that means that Fox has abandoned any plans for PREDATORS or ALIEN 5, as before...the excuse they used for not making ALIENS VS PREDATOR was because they felt both franchises still had life and that AvP would be an ender to both. Personally I thought a great AvP flick would be a shot of adrenaline to both... That suddenly there would be a much needed energy again. And it could just add to the mythology of both franchises. I chatted briefly with a source in Fox Land, snuggled in the Big Black Tower and word is that Smilin Jack is right. We'll see...
October 27, 2001
An update on the report from October 26th at Ain't It Cool News:
Just got this in:
During recent close contact with some of those that work within Davis Entertainment, the company that John Davis owns, it was confirmed to me that there is indeed a renewed interest in AvP. Now this would not be from an old script as they were apparently shopping around the graphic novel to people looking for some writer/director team to take a new spin at it. One idea that was apparently being tossed around and that they were warming to was to set it in present day, as a sequel to the Predator films and a prequel to the Alien films.
October 31, 2001
Another screenplay for an Aliens vs. Predator film has been released, this time by a Mr. Phillip Richard Olsen. Who? Well you can find out at his web site, Mr. Grizzly.
Movie Details
Release Date: Unknown at this point, any would be pure speculation.
Rating: Restricted, presumably.
Running Time: Unknown.
Tagline: Three species, one planet. This is pure speculation, however, would be consistent with the video game.
A 20th Century Fox Release
A Brandywine Production
Story: There has been a screenplay by Peter Briggs floating around the Internet for years now, it's apparently even been submitted to Fox, only to be rejected of course. Recently another screenplay has popped up, this time by another unknown - Phillip Richard Olsen. Will either be used?
Director: Rumors surrounding James Cameron (Aliens) and John Singleton (Boyz in the Hood, Shaft) have been thrown around.
Producer: John Davis (Predator, Predator 2) has been mentioned. This is one film, however, that Sigourney Weaver has stated she will never be a part of.
Special Effects: Stan Winston (Predator, Predator 2) would be a safe bet for the Predator effects, and H. R. Giger (Alien, Alien 3, Alien: Resurrection) would be a valuable designer if he and Fox could bury the hatchet.
Original Music: Unknown.
Cast: Names such as George Clooney and Vin Diesel have been mention, most notabley by the newest Olsen script. In reality, the cast would depend on the storyline accepted.
Story Synopsis: N/A.
Eat This: With all of the rumors swirling around an Aliens vs. Predator film lately fans have been given a shot of adrenaline to renew their faith in its possible production. There have even been statements reportedly made from Fox officials confirming the exsistence of the project. Are these statements true? I wouldn't bet my Pulse Rifle on it. :) The only way of knowing if the project is going ahead is if offical word is given directly from Fox, nothing more, nothing less. Anything else is mearly secondhand hearsay - althought pleasing to the Alien/Predator community.
The Hicks Meter: "Let's move like we've got a purpose!"
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