Alien: Isolation, the multi-award-winning survival horror game from Creative Assembly, has
sold over one million units worldwide.
“It has been fantastic to watch the reviews come in and read of the reactions of players, hidden in the bowels of Sevastopol Station, terrified to make the next move,” said Creative Lead, Alistair Hope. “We set out to make the Alien game we had always wanted to play and from these figures it seems we also succeeded in making the Alien game another million wanted to play. We hope many more gamers enjoy Alien: Isolation in 2015.”
This is great news for the genre, some of the past ventures have had disappointing sales; therefore, having such quick success might mean we get to see more games and other products.
If ou haven't seen it yet, here is the trailer on our YouTube channel
Over 18's only
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“Fox is enormously pleased with how both SEGA and Creative Assembly have realized their homage to Ridley Scott’s iconic film Alien,” said Michael Doyle, vice president of interactive games for Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products. “The project represents a paradigm shift in what is possible in the arena of licensed games.”
Thank you to everyone for getting a cop of the game. If you haven't make sure to follow one of our links and you can get yours from Amazon right now!
Last updated: Sunday, 24th May 2020 @ 12:09 BST
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