USCM : Part Two
The USCM is a very defensive species; they have some of the most powerful weapons in the game and must rely heavily on it if they wish to survive the upcoming onslaught. Their buildings are your average human structures that can be constructed/repaired by Synthetic Engineers; they have the most diverse yet specific army of all 3 species. The primary objective of the marines is to find and rescue the human populous in Calypsonian cities; Marines must find and escort whatever human civilians they find to the Transport Bay, once there a large dropship automatically arrives and lifts the now rescued humans to the USCM freighter Lazarus. Once the Carryall ship leaves the map area, the Marine player will receive 150 credits for each human rescued. The Marine player can then proceed to use this credit to build and deploy more buildings and units to rescue more humans and defeat the opposition.
The Marines view the map normally; everything appears normal until they deploy their command complex which gives them access to a global 360 degrees motion tracker; the tracker appears in the left corner of the screen and detects all motion within 300 meters (30 tiles) of the Command Complex, this gives the Marines an efficient defensive alert system which can change the tides of battle if the Marine player acts quickly to destroy the intruding enemies; the closer the intruders get to your base the stronger and faster the beep sound.
Resource Management:-
Marines obtain credits for constructing their buildings by rescuing human civilians from Calypsonian cities. The Marines must use their RAPC and Soldiers to quickly carry away up to 8 civilians to the Transport Bay; once the human civilians reach the bay, a dropship will come in and lift them away from the area, once the Dropship leaves the premises, a few seconds later the Marines will obtain 150 credits for each human civilian they rescued; Marines will use this credit to construct new buildings and train new units. Marines can also use the human civilians directly, by sending a human civilian to the barracks, the civilian will be trained and within a matter of seconds leave the barracks as a newly recruited marine with a Pulse Rifle, this ability comes in handy when a player is in desperate need of an army ASAP. A notice about the Carryall is that if it does not leave the map safely, no credits will be received; so it's best to secure its path from any possible threats.
The USCM start the game with a Command Complex, 3 Engineers, 4 Corporal Marines, and 2000 credits.
Units:-Name: Engineer
Purpose: Repairs/constructs USCM buildings.
Prerequisite(s): Command Complex
Cost: 70 credits
Armor: Light
Speed: Medium
Weapon(s): N/A
Description: The Engineer is the foundation of any proper USCM base, although it loses its efficiency once a player gains access to the stronger and faster Synthetic Engineers, nevertheless they are a very important factor any USCM base. Engineers can construct buildings and repair them; they do so on their own but multiple engineers working together on a single building means faster construction. Engineers can also repair vehicles such as APCS and "Alice"
Name: Medic
Purpose: Battlefield medic, restores health to personal and removes any substance effects.
Prerequisite(s): Barracks
Cost: 70 credits
Armor: Light
Speed: Fast
Weapon(s): N/A
Description: The Medic is an essential unit in any marine squad; they serve the purpose of healing the injured and dying in the battlefield. Medics can also remove any harsh poisonous effects from either Alien venom or Predatory Neuro-toxins. The Medic has no weapons of its own so guard her carefully. Medics cannot heal themselves, only each other and other units. Medics also have the ability to extinguish fire, comes in handy when one of your flamethrowers goes wild.
Name: Corporal
Purpose: Basic Attack Soldier
Prerequisite(s): Barracks
Cost: 50 credits.
Armor: Medium
Speed: Medium
Weapon(s): Pulse Rifle, Grenades.
Description: The average basic marine grunt; He packs quite a punch. With a good combination of speed and armor, the Corporal marine class is most well-rounded marine unit you will ever behold. The pulse rifle is a strong weapon at short-medium ranges only, the farther away the target is the less damage the pulse rifle rounds will cause. A grenade upgrade can be researched at the barracks which allows the Corporal to use 5 grenades that can replenished at the barracks once depleted, 'nades cause massive damage and also have splash damage which can be used against you if your not careful. Corporal Marine are very vulnerable to Aliens, the Aliens can close in on them fast and kill with a few claw swipes only, that is why its best to group Corporals in squads.
Name: Smartgunner [Minigunner]
Purpose: Assault Trooper
Prerequisite(s): Barracks
Cost: 150 credits
Armor: Medium
Speed: Medium
Weapon(s): Smartgun [Minigun]
Description: The Marine Smartgunner is their basic offensive unit, packing a powerful smart gun which shoots oodles of rounds every second, a squad of smartgunners will burn holes through any target almost instantly. The Smartgunner uses its smart gun to autotrack any living object, allowing it to fire accurately at fast-moving objects with high potency. After the Minigun is researched at the barracks, Smartgunners are allowed to promote at will into he Minigunner class which gives them a heavier, faster, and stronger gun that can attack bo land and air units. The Minigunner must remain immobile when attacking to decrease the chances of a miss; the Minigun also causes immense splash damage, which makes it the weapon of choice against hordes of Aliens. The Minigunner is slower than the Smartgunner but with slightly heavily armor; promoting costs 50 credits.
Name: Flamethrower
Purpose: Anti-Personal
Prerequisite(s): Barracks
Cost: 120 credits
Armor: Heavy
Speed: Slow
Weapon(s): Flamethrower
Description: The Flamethrower marine class has been specifically developed to purify the battlefield of Alien scum; it packs a medium-range flamethrower that can burn multiple targets at a time, including your own if you're not careful. The Flamethrower's drawback is its slow speed that makes it open to attack by fast moving units. The Flamethrower will explode violently when killed, so it is advised to not keep it surrounded by your own units. Aliens that have been ignited go in a maniacal frenzy slashing all over the place, be careful not to go in their way.
Name: Synthetic Engineer
Purpose: Stronger/Faster Engineer
Prerequisite(s): Synthetic Operations
Cost: 100
Armor: Heavy
Speed: Fast
Weapon(s): N/A
The Synth Engineer is a stronger, faster, and more efficient engineer. It does not produce pheromones and is not susceptible to facehugging. It repairs and constructs buildings faster; Synth engineers are also heavier armored than their human counterpart. Synth Engineers unfortunately do not have any weapon of any kind to protect themselves.
Name: Combat Synthetic
Purpose: Heavy Assault Trooper
Prerequisite(s): Synthetic Operations
Cost: 450 credits
Armor: Heavy
Speed: Slow
Weapon(s): Sadar Missile Launcher
Description: The Combat Synth is one bad-ass and expensive mother [censored]; With Heavy armor and a blasting Sadar, it marchs into the enemies territory and blows their mind... literally. The Combat Synth fires long-range Sadar missiles that devestate the battlefield. The Sadar missile has a 3x3 tile damage radius, which can erase an entire horde of Aliens in a blink of an eye. The drawsbacks of the Combat Synthetic is its extremely low RoF and the slow walking speed. The Combat Synth does have a minimum range that can end its life by a fast moving Alien if it is not careful.
Name: RAPC (Rescue Armored Personal Carrier)
Purpose: Rescuing civilians; transporting them to the Bay
Prerequisite(s): Transport Bay, Siege Factory
Cost: 500 credits
Armor: Heavy
Speed: Medium
Weapon(s): N/A
Description: When a Transport Bay is constructed, a player will receive a RAPC for free, but it can be built at the Siege Factory if you lose it. The RAPC is a unique transport that will automatically travel to human cities and sound a special alarm which will cause a max of 8 civilians (1200 credits) to enter the RAPC, it will then proceed to travel back to the Transport Bay and deploy its human cargo which will be almost immediately picked up by a fast carryall to safety. You are limited to one RAPC per Transport Bay.
Name: AAPC (Assault Armored Personal Carrier)
Purpose: Transporting personal; USCM Tank
Prerequisite(s): Siege Factory
Cost: 600 credits
Armor: Medium
Speed: Medium
Weapon(s): Double 100mm Barrels; Armor Piercing Shells
Description:The AAPC can lift 5 marines anywhere safely; it has twin 100mm cannons that will deal death with any one who dares to come close. The AAPC can also use its massive size to crush wondering infantry easily. Its twin barrels are strong against armored units but fail at the light units department. The AAPC is very susceptible to being infested by an Alien when under attack by numerous Aliens so make sure you abandon it if things get a little too hot otherwise, all the units inside will die instantly when the AAPC is breached and infested.
Name: ABE (Armored Battle Exosuit)
Purpose: Heavy Assault Vehicle
Prerequisite(s): Seige Factory
Cost: 1000 credits
Armor: V.Heavy
Speed: V.Slow
Weapon(s): Twin Vulcan Canons
Description: The Armored Battle Exosuit, delightfully codenamed ABE is the heaviest land vehicle yet to be deployed by the USCM. ABE carries 2 massive Vulcan canons, one on each arm that allows it to fire immense amounts of bullets very rapidly; effectively shredding the target within a few seconds. ABE is very expensive but it also has AA abilities that are especially useful against the mobile Predator structures. ABE's drawbacks are its shocking price tag and slow speed, but its semi-long range Vulcan canons kind a make up for this disability... but remember all it takes is one facehugger.
Name: Dropship
Purpose: Transporting Civilians from Bay to "Lazarus"
Prerequisite(s): Transport Bay
Cost: N/A
Armor: Heavy
Speed: Fast
Weapon(s): N/A
Description: The Dropship is a CPU controlled unit that automatically lifts civilians from your transport bay in exchange for credits. The Dropship is well armored and has good speed but it is still very vulnerable to Aerial Predator assaults that will cause it to crash and kill all its cargo. The Dropship will automatically be replaced for free if it is lost; so it is best advised to clear a path from your Transport Bay to the nearest edge of the map.
Structures:-USCM Base - A quick overview of a typical marine base; the USCM base is constructed and maintain by engineers. The more engineers that construct the building the faster the construction commences. A single atmosphere processor is required in every base; which will supply power and water to all its structures. A USCM base must be defended at all costs; the use of all available defensive structures such as Sentry Guns is advised; a single breach and infestation by Aliens is costly; it may quickly turn the tide against you if you do not maintain a good defense of the parameter. The Base is mostly vulnerable to attack during the night, when all base defenses have reduced range and line-of-sight. The USCM base is compromised of the following structures:
Name: Command Complex
Prerequisite(s): N/A
Purpose: Primary USCM Structure; Motion Detection
Cost: 1500 credits
Strength: V.Heavy
Description: The Command Complex is the center and foundation of a marine base; not only does it allow access to engineers which construct every major building in the game, but it also enables the macro-motion tracker which tracks all motion within a 300 meter radius of the complex. The Command Complex like all USCM structures has its unique set of technologies that can be researched.
Advanced Motion Detection: Costs 200 credits, increases motion detection range by 100 meters and only detects enemy units.
Name: Atmosphere Processor
Prerequisite(s): Command Complex
Purpose: Power/Water Supply
Cost: 1000 credits
Strength: Heavy
Description: The Atmosphere Processor is a complex that supplies the essentials (power and water) to a marines base; only one is needed. The Processor is extremely volatile and will explode extremely violently if destroyed. The Processor should be guarded carefully, since an Alien infestation may cause it to self destruct and take out nearby buildings. Without the atmosphere processor, all construction and research will be reduced in speed drastically.
Name: Barracks
Prerequisite(s): Atmosphere Processor, Command Complex.
Purpose: Infantry Training Facility
Cost: 750 credits
Strength: Medium
Description: The USCM Barracks allow the marine player to train and deploy the various classes of marines onto the battlefield; it also has a varied collection of technologies that can be researched to enhance the average grunt.
Minigunner Class: Costs 100 credits; this allows the Smartgunner class to be promoted at will into the Minigunner class which is described above.
Grenade Upgrade: Costs 100 credits; this allows the Corporal to use the Pulse Rifles secondary fire grenades. 5 grenades-per-pulse rifle.
Acid Resilient Armor: Costs 150 credits; this makes infantry armor more resistant to acid; causing the marine to receive less damage when he/she come in contact with the corrosive substance.
Name: Transport Bay
Prerequisite(s): Command Complex
Purpose: Civilian Transport Facility
Cost: 900 credits
Strength: Medium
Description: The Transport Bay is a important structure that deploys special APCs that gather up to 8 civilians at a time and transport them to the bay, where they will be lifted off the map in exchange for money. The Transport Bay is limited to one RAPC; so to get more RAPC, one must construct more transport bays.
Name: Siege Factory
Prerequisite(s): Command Complex, Atmosphere Processor
Purpose: Vehicular Construction Facility
Cost: 900 credits
Strength: Heavy
Description: The Siege Factory give the USCM access to their strong vehicle might; It also has a set of technologies that can be researched to enhance USCM Vehicles.
Vulcan AA: Costs 100 credits; Allows ABE's twin Vulcan cannons to fire upon air units
Faster Rate of Fire: Costs 150 credits; Gives all USCM vehicles a faster rate of fire.
Acid Resilient Armor: Costs 120 credits; Gives all USCM vehicles armor that is more resistant to acid; allowing it to receive less damage when in contact with the corrosive substance.
Name: Synthetic Operations
Prerequisite(s): Barracks, Atmosphere Processor
Purpose: Synthetic Technologies
Cost: 1000 credits
Strength: Light
Description: Synthetic Operations gives the USCM access to all types of Synthetic android units and technologies; It also has a set of technologies that can be researched to enhance USCM Synthetic units.
Faster Synth Movement: Costs 100 credits; Allows all synthetics to move faster.
Stronger Synth Armor: Costs 100 credits; Gives all synthetics stronger armor.
Name: Bunker
Prerequisite(s): Barracks, Command Complex
Purpose: Defensive Structure
Cost: 500 credits
Strength: V.Heavy
Description: The USCM Bunker allows up to 6 infantry units to camp inside and fire at incoming enemy units. The Bunker is an excellent defensive structure that will take a hard beating before its walls are pummeled to the ground.
Name: Sentry Gun
Prerequisite(s): Command Complex, Atmosphere Processor
Purpose: Defensive Structure
Cost: 650 credits
Strength: Light
Description: Sentry Guns fire rapidly and automatically at everything in front of them (180 degrees); the bullets are very strong and will tear through all but the strongest of units; the main drawback of this powerful defense is that it is very vulnerable to attacks from behind and when the atmosphere processor is down, the sentry guns go off-line. Nevertheless Sentry guns will mow down hordes of Aliens before submitting to their ferocious might.
Name: Watch Tower
Prerequisite(s): Command Complex
Purpose: Defensive Structure
Cost: 250 credits
Strength: Light
Description: Watch Towers are the USCM's early base defense, they deploy a powerful spotlight that can detect units from long-range. Watch Towers can be manned by a single infantry unit, which can use its own weapon when mounted on the tower. The tower has very light armor that can be torn to pieces by a single Predator.
Name: Wire Fence
Prerequisite(s): Command Complex
Purpose: Defensive Wall
Cost: 20 credits
Strength: Medium
Description: Wire Fences are cheap yet effective defensive walls that can be chained around the USCM base to slow down an enemy assault. Wire Fences can be charged with an electric current that will electrocute any intruder that dares to come in contact with it; this option is particularly effective against Aliens; Yet the electric wire fence is costly, it reduces the efficiency of other electric dependant base defenses; Electric wire fences can also be torn down if attacked by multiple Aliens simultaneously.
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