Everyone is excited by the upcoming AvP movie.
But what about sparing a thought for the sequels to our long standing "twins"?? The Alien and Predator movie series--are they dead?? Is the AvP genre now the sole inheritor to a legacy spanning 2 decades??
Read what Hicks managed to gather regarding the Alien 5 movie. here's a sample:
Would Sigourney Weaver and her aliens infest Earth this time?
"Earth would be interesting, and there is talk about it," said Scott, who sounds bored with that premise. "I say we should go back to where the alien creatures were first found and explain how they were created. No one has ever explained why. I always figured that a battleship carrying bio-mechanical organisms that could be weapons was sent into space with some space jockey who didn't last long."
Read the whole article
Of course, the information and news in this article is based on rumors and speculation aquired from various sources such as the Internet, magazines, interviews, and television specials.
But aren't rumours the blood of Hollywood??
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