Fan Movie Interviews

by Corpral Hicks
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Well here are 3 interviews i've had with people who are making there own fan movie, these interviews are for my avp site AVPWorld;

Well I've had an interview with Steven Johnson, the guy behind the new spoof based on the AVP movie:

"Corpral Hicks-So what is your involvment in this project and how did you get involved?

Steven Johnson- Solo operation run by me. The movie consists of hand drawn artwork, plus art from AvP1 and 2, as well as audio from both games, mostly avp1."

Check out the interview here

Well I recently had an interview with Damon Weller, one of the men behind the new Alien fan film, Alien 5-Squared:

"First of all, the film is a dark comedy, a parody/homage really. It's a toy movie, so it can't be all that serious. ALIEN 5 took place in Outer Space. At the end of A5,(as Alien fans could probably guess) Ripley barely escapes alive with Bishop, but little do they know... there is an infected stowaway aboard their ship!"

Read the rest

Well I recently had an interview with Stoppable, who is incharge of a new AVP fan film called Deadly Species:


Corpral Hicks- Tell us abit about the story of this movie.

Stoppable-3 preds one blooded and 2 nobloods is send down to the planet to hunt.they meet xenomorphs and much bitter fighting stands before them."

Unfortunetly due to language reasons Stoppable didn't understand some of the stuff I asked and have corrected as much as I can but it's still readable. Check it out. Also expect to see this movie in the AVP Fan Film section soon enough.

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