I found this on PlanetAvP, and I know some of the people on here play Morrowind as indeed do I:
Anyone remember that Predator mod for Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind that was talked about many months ago? Being created by a talented team of mod-makers -- Phil Hickerson, Phytoswasp and Zod316 -- it was supposed to come out soon... but it never did.
To clear it all up, mod-maker Phil Hickerson was kind enough to mail PAvP on the status of his team's modification. It seems the whole idea of the mod was dropped months ago, but was resurrected just recently - and it's going great.
This is what he said:
"The plugin was resurrected about a month ago and my god is it coming out fabulously. I wanted to tell you about this.. before I sent you screen shots of models we had done and one spear that had actually been imported into MW.. now there are honest to goodness Preds in there, with quests and all sorts of yummy weapons. Being the 'storyteller' of the mod, I've actually made quite good sense of them being in that world.
And let me tell you.. the Pred models we've done look beautiful. You know how much of a Predator whore I am, so I refused to put anything half @$$ in the plugin. Check out the screenshots I've attached.. forgive me if this sounds arrogant(it isn't meant to), but I think in terms of accuracy and detail, we've surpassed any attempt at a 3D Predator in a game to date. There is ZERO chance of the mod dying again, I've too much time in it now and too much work. A brief list of features for the plugin's first release;
- Male and female Predators playable- they are to scale in the MW world - I.E. taller than everybody else.
- Multiple Predator weapons and interchangeable armor pieces.
- The ability to join the Predator clan, and there are quests and missions when you do.
- Multiple Predator NPCs with unique dialogue and AI settings.
- The ability to fight alongside fellow Predators.
- 3D Models and textures created from reference photos and props/model kits for quality and authenticity.
- Traits from the movies, including supreme strength, agility and the abillity to turn invisible at will.
- A thought out backstory explains their presence, and it is revealed through quests and communication with the Elder Predators and other NPC's.
That is not all.. but I have to refrain from spoiling everything!" -- Phil Hickerson
He can be mailed here: beanspanx@aol.com
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